Effortlessly Tag People’s Names in Your Google Sheets with Python and SpaCy

Have you ever wished you could automatically identify and tag people’s names in a Google Sheet? Maybe you’re managing a list of contacts, analyzing survey responses, or working on a project where extracting this information is key. Well, with a bit of Python magic and the power of SpaCy’s natural language processing capabilities, we can […]

SEO Strategies: Using Python to Detect Names in a List of Words

  Using Python to Detect Proper Nouns in a List of Words. I was working on keyword research for a client and was working to categorize all the keywords. Google Gemini helped me create scripts to go through a list of 2500 keywords and flag if it is a person’s name. Here’s a summary of […]

Cyclist Capstone

Cyclistic Capstone Project Cyclistic Capstone Project Brian Hafner 2024-01-28 Cyclistic Rides Analysis Background of Cyclistic Cyclistic is a bike-share program in Chicago, established in 2016, with 5,824 bicycles across 692 stations. They offer various pricing plans, categorizing customers into casual riders (using single-ride or full-day passes) and members (holding annual memberships). The company’s financial analysis […]